Find breakthrough for your health, relationships, finances, and career through hearing & experiencing God and discovering your unique identity.

I'm father to six kids, husband to one, entrepreneur, former pastor, coach and mentor.

At 38 years old as a church leader, feeling ten feet tall and bulletproof, I ran into the fight of my life with anxiety and depression. It came out of nowhere... and my faith failed me.

I realized I knew a lot ABOUT God, but I didn't actually KNOW Him, and over the next three months, God showed me how to walk out of fear and into a faith that revolutionized my personal life, marriage, career, and finances.

I had long been a personal development guy, always looking for the next trick to make my money, be free, and make my mark.

When I met God in a new way, though, I learned that we don't flourish by desire (like so many gurus said) but rather by DESIGN.

Since then, I've started companies, raised six kids, seen my finances skyrocket, and as a spiritual guide and coach, have helped people go from feeling frustrated and apathetic in their faith, to seeing real lasting change in their lives.

I'll help you discover you can hear & experience God, change the parts of your life you struggle with, and finally live with the peace, passion, purpose, and provision you long for.

Hero Lab is a coaching program and community for men who want to commit to reinventing their faith, rediscovering their passion and purpose, and transforming every area of their life.

Hero Collective is a Facebook Group where men of faith gather to learn how to grow God's Way

Weekly LIVE broadcasts, practical content & inspiring conversation to help men become the husband, fathers and leaders they were designed to be.

Starter Program SPECIALS

Included with every Hero Lab Coaching program, these starter courses will help you win your mornings, learn how easy it is to hear & experience God, and reenergize your faith and morning devotions.

Discover deep insights about yourself using the unique prayer and meditation strategies that helped me walk out of anxiety and fear and into the career, financial, and relational transformation that I longed for. Do you want to breathe life into your daily time with God without committing to coaching?

Start here.

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What guys are saying...

Dan W - Hero Lab Coaching Client

Joel G - Identity Coaching

Chris F - Course Client

Ben B - Course Client

Bro... It's Time to Grow God's Way.

Discover your inner HERO today.

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